Friday, February 4, 2011

Trailblazer Cargo Cover


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RADIO KOL-ISRAEL: TOWARDS A PEACEFUL TRANSITION Jacques Benillouche the micro Mauritius Ifergan

the journal of February 4, 2011

Egypt: towards a peaceful and orderly transition power?
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United States are they trying to negotiate a peaceful and orderly transition of power in the hope of maintaining Egypt into the Western fold. This is the opinion of the analyst Jacques Benillouche.

United States with Egypt to discuss ways to expedite a peaceful transition of power in Cairo. The spokesman for the American Council for National Security announced that President Obama believes the time has come to open talks for a rapid and orderly transition of power.

Yesterday, the daily New York Times reported that Washington spoke of the Egyptian authorities with a proposal that that President Mubarak would leave immediately transmit power and queens to a provisional government headed by his deputy, Omar Suleiman. The newspaper said the interim government will invite opposition parties and organizations in Egypt - including the Muslim Brotherhood - a consultation that will lead to free and fair elections in seven months.

Moreover, the spiritual leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei Ayathola, calls for the establishment in Egypt of an Islamist regime. According Ayathola proves the revival of Islam on the model presented by the revolution Islamic Iran thirty years ago. During Muslim Friday prayers in Tehran, Ali Khamenei has called President Hosni Mubarak servant of Israel and the United States. The spiritual leader of Iran has asked the Egyptian army to confront the Zionist army rather than the Egyptian people.
Moreover, according to a Kuwaiti newspaper, Hezbollah has deployed in Syria a thousand of his fighters to protect the regime of President Basher al-Assad if violent protests today by Syrian . The paper, A Siassi, adding that Hezbollah militants mission is to protect public buildings, sensitive places, if the events planned today degenerate. According to reports, Hezbollah militants have been installed in the bases of the Syrian Republican Guard.


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