Sunday, February 27, 2011

Acupunture Pruritis Ani

CBC is back to order by its ombudsman

CBC in its crusade against the conservatives went too far. They made a mistake by trying to try to convince people that the government had caved in to tobacco lobbyists.
"The conclusion of The National there was a causal link between lobbying and the withdrawal of the draft label has not been demonstrated with all the seriousness that require the journalistic standards and practices of the CBC. These require the facts and evidence "Écritl'ombudsman has the CBC, Kirk Lapointe [here]
The Ombudsman therefore considered that the CBC had gone too far without proof, so in his obsession against the Conservatives. This is not the first time the CBC does things like that, their French colleagues have recently done a story on Harper and religion, where we wanted to involve them.

media are monitored in their political coverage, some claim to neutral when they are not. Sun TV news at least is transparent and shows its colors, without falling into the game on CBC.


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