Sunday, February 20, 2011

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By Jacques Benillouche

The Council of the UN Security

missions assigned to the United Nations in its Charter plan to "maintain peace and security and promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms ". But he often have their own priorities imposed by the majority of the members who constitute it.

Thus the NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) estimates, based on medical sources and witnesses, that the Libyan security forces have killed more than 104 protesters since the beginning of the movement, most in Benghazi, the second largest city and an opposition stronghold, 1,000 km east of Tripoli. But those deaths do not fall within the priorities of the UN.
The UN Mission for Human Rights in Tunisia indicates that at least 147 people were killed and over 500 others were injured in the riots that brought down the Ben Ali regime. But those deaths do not fall within the priorities of the UN. But, fortunately, a subject has found favor with the fourteen members of the Security Council who were looking for debate for their long hours of inactivity. It was not a draft Arab resolution in support of the peoples in the process of democratization, or a project to help victims of the riots, nor of a project to ban the use of force against civilians, but a draft condemning Israeli settlement policy.
January 25 to February 11, during the eighteen days of demonstrations that have caused the fall of President Hosni Mubarak, 365 people were killed and 5500 injured. This interim review was announced by the Egyptian Ministry of Health. But those deaths do not fall within the priorities of the UN.
At least five civilians were killed in Mogadishu, Somalia in fighting between Islamist insurgents and soldiers Shebab peacekeeping force of African Union. In the wake of the uprising of Tunisians and Egyptians against the dictatorship, the Jordanians are raised and they were thousands to protest to demand the overthrow of the government. The blackout imposed by the authorities can not count the victims. Bahrain also ignites without him as we know, for now, the number of victims of repression. But those deaths do not fall within the priorities of the UN.
Finally a story about Israel was found because the settlers are a danger to


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