Sunday, February 6, 2011

Home Made Noisemakers


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By Jacques

The Israeli government is reluctant to take a clear position on the issue of Egyptian fear of spoiling its diplomatic cards. It is shared between the positive aspect of the advent of a democratic government and its own military interests. Cautiously he indicated in the early days of rioting, Israel
"closely following events. But our goal is to ensure peace between us and Egypt in all cases ". The official silence of Israeli leaders demonstrated their difficulty in assessing the impact of the Egyptian revolution. Criticisms are also openly agree on the ineffectiveness of the intelligence services who would not see it coming. To their credit, it must remember that all civil and military service are to be simultaneously provided with new leaders that are taking place .

risk of wider instability

Questioned by members of the defense committee, head of Aman
military intelligence, General Aviv Kochavi had assured that " there was no danger to the stability of the regime. " Former Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz had abounded in his sense considering that it
"is premature to bury the Mubarak regime. There is a risk that the Muslim Brotherhood eventually come to power, they are as much the enemy of Israel's regime. If they took power, it would be a dramatic change throughout the region with the risk of instability spreading to other countries. "
But observers believe the Israeli intelligence chief Israeli military failed in its task of predicting the reality of the revolution.

Former Israeli ambassador to Egypt, Eli Shaked, feared a victory by the Muslim Brotherhood in the next election which will result
"a major deterioration in relations between Israel and Egypt with risk that the peace treaty of 1979 ends up paying. "

In fact the Israeli government had already secretly positioned in the debate because he had sent a message to the United States, Russia, China to Canada and certain European countries to inform them of the need for the West to maintain the existence of the current system because the stability of the Egypt contributes to stability in the Middle East. Benjamin Netanyahu and shows once again his opposition to the policies of Barack Obama who was brutally torn from Hosni Mubarak without designing an alternative strategy in line with Western interests. It is likely that the European Union, unoriginal, align its position with that of the United States. The Israelis are strengthening their theory is to count only on themselves. How Mubarak has been revered for years and treated mercilessly by the U.S. opens the way for a solitary exercise of Israeli power in the region. dehiscence Mubarak

Hilary Clinton had also refused to express its support for Egyptian President :
"I will not send any message of support anyone. I refuse to speculate on who should go and who should stay. " The dropping of
Mubarak was well confirmed. An Israeli diplomat was keen to express its opposition to this new political line:
"Americans and Europeans are not trained their public opinions and do not take into account their real interests. Even if you can criticize Mubarak, we must give our friends feel they are not alone. Jordan and Saudi Arabia we see the reaction of the West, how everyone abandons Mubarak, and this will have very serious consequences. " March Suleiman
on issues of border security in Gaza because of increased smuggling of weapons through tunnels . Hamas and the Bedouins Sinai benefit indeed disorders to increase their traffic. The Israelis are concerned that the former head of intelligence, which is a close friend of Israel is forced to sell off his friendship to ensure its legitimacy with its public.
Islamist Regime

Fears of Israel are great to see an Islamic regime in Iran to settle its borders as it sees the same scenario
Israelis predict that if elections were held in the following weeks, Islamists have a majority so great is the weariness of the population against a dictatorial and corrupt. They do not spare their support for President Hosni Mubarak as they have accepted a sprained
peace treaty between Israel and Egypt in 1979
allowing 800 soldiers from entering Sinai on January 31 while neither troops nor equipment are permitted only shielded. These troops have stepped in police units attacked by Hamas militants from Gaza after virtually open border with Egypt to lend a hand to the Muslim Brotherhood. Some voices left to wonder whether it is appropriate to help a dying regime but it seems that the Prime Minister has focused on friendly ties with Mubarak rather than political realism. Moreover, Hamas showed its disapproval against this attitude by firing rockets from Gaza into southern Israel two cities.
Vice Egyptian President Suleiman is certainly very popular in Jerusalem but in his country, he is also criticized the president. The Israelis do not give him a long time in politics because they believe it will fall along with Mubarak. Israel hoped, however, that the diversity of Egyptian society will allow it to withstand a despotic theocracy and that the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, possibly to power alongside other opposition factions, could be channeled through an increased role of the army. Israel rebelled against the will of Westerners to distinguish different models of Islamism. He does not believe in Islamism "light" Egyptian
could replace the current system because once in power, he shows his true face. The example of Turkey is eloquent in this area. Turkish Islamism has gradually eroded large sections of secularism in the country. He has no army to guarantee institutions by referring to the retreat of hundreds of officers and accusing the courts of dozens of generals suspected of plotting a conspiracy. They amended the Constitution in the silence of the opposition, to reduce the weight of the military institutions in order to have a boulevard in front of them in the next election. Barring a military coup, the Turkish Islamists, like those of Iran, in power for many years.

American Doctrine confused

The attitude of the United States in its relations with its most loyal Arab ally consolidated the break between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu . The coercive methods by U.S. President in respect of its allies disgusted as the Israeli government's concern that these same methods applied to him one day. According to information from Israeli intelligence, the president Barack Obama has launched an ultimatum, February 2, Omar Suleiman and army leaders urging them to immediately impeach President Mubarak. Hilary Clinton has confirmed itself to the Vice President's requirement Egyptian president. Robert Gates has done the same with the Defence Minister Mohamed Tantawi while Admiral Mike Mullen reiterated the U.S. commitment during his telephone conversation with Chief of Staff Egyptian General Sami Enan. Hosni Mubarak does not hear well and has tightened its policy because it does not feel totally abandoned. Some Arab countries, fearing a fallout at home, support her lavish in secret and urge him to resist Western pressure. The Egyptian army has not yet made his choice since divested its neutrality by allowing to 50,000 supporters of the president, flown on camels, to enter at Tahrir Square. Yet it is all checkpoints leading to the center of the capital but his attitude has allowed the bloody clashes in Cairo. This support masked supporters of ousted president proves that the majority of the army remains still attached to the President Mubarak gives the impression of having clear no intention of leaving office early. Israelis still hope for a return situation, or at least awareness of the main opposition leaders. They are not opposed to "transition" provided that the Muslim Brotherhood do not invade the corridors of power. They see few signs of optimism in the appearance of cracks in the wall of opposition. Secular parties who are concerned about the rise of an Islamist regime, formally accepted the dialogue with the Vice President to discuss constitutional reform while refusing all compromise the Muslim Brotherhood in denouncing the actions of the United States, Great Britain and Israel. The situation in Egypt is not as clear as it looks and the old regime was not killed all his cards.


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