Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can You Trade Pokemon On A Mac Emulator



By Jacques Benillouche

Haniyeh and Abbas Dahlan

The Palestinians are not satisfied with the situation that was triggered in Egypt because they fear repercussions on their project of creating a Palestinian state alongside the Jewish state. They think that the advent in the front line of demonstrators, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood is a blow which tends to strengthen Hamas at the expense of the Palestinian Authority attaches great importance to the status quo that guarantees a thriving economy that well 'artificial
. They chose to get involved in politics Hosni Mubarak, whose proximity to the U.S. allowed them the bounty of Barack Obama and his political favors. It is not certain that Mubarak's successor will have the same provisions for them.

moderate regimes
called "moderates"

The silence of Israeli shows that they are confused because their whole strategy in recent decades was based on the stability of their relations with Egypt, the leader of the Arab world envied, as part of a peace treaty, peace cold indeed relied upon by the economic policy of Israel. Some Israeli leaders hesitate not to interpret these problems as evidence that Egypt is not possible to make peace with the Arabs, more so then with the Palestinians. Israeli nationalists, who had hired a shy inevitable turn making the evacuation of much of the West Bank, could return to their initial attitude intransigent. Proponents of keeping the territories for security reasons will find new followers and they will certainly be followed by military specialists who see their range is reduced dramatically, especially since the dropping of Turkey.
The Israelis could have used their friendship with the ousted president to warn against its own excesses. President Mubarak is highly guilty of failing a breath of political and economic reforms in a country that saw its growth rise over time without the public there is a personal interest. He chose from among his ministers and senior officials, weak men, or subject, by leveling down to avoid a head to make him no more shade. He focused his strategy on the political vacuum around him without realizing it entails, in fact, the rise of Islamism in the country.

Authority weakened

; This new situation weakens the Palestinian Authority who owed his political survival than with the support of Mubarak. It is even more weakened Al Jazeera has dealt a fatal blow to its credibility by disseminating information involving his questionable behavior at peace negotiations. The Israelis realize today that they are paradoxically stronger politically than they were against the Palestinians. They had experienced disappointments when Latin American countries recognized, one after the other, the existence of a phantom Palestinian state without defined borders. The weakness of the Palestinian Authority requires them to be generous to move the respective positions. : "The disappearance of the government of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has left Israel in a state of distress strategic. Without Mubarak, Israel is left with almost no friends in the Middle East. Last year, Israel has seen its alliance with Turkey to collapse. "
Jordan was the second Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel and uncertainty rule on the decisions taken by the new Egyptian regime vis-à-vis Israel. Experience has proven that if we do not encourage the emergence or survival of the country secular moderates, the door was left wide open to Islamic extremists. The dream that the new authority will have the same closeness with Israel is in the realm of pure speculation, especially since this was close to sterile find a viable solution to the Palestinian conflict.
Palestinians may be the direct victims of Arab political chaotic and often hypocritical. Whatever its outcome, the uprising Egypt will have repercussions in the West Bank to Israel and of course if a plan anti-Western settled for a long time. The journalist from Haaretz, Aluf Benn, has traced the inventory

Hamas on a roll

According to documents released by Al Jazeera, the PA played the role of the Egyptian Official ally of Israel since it was approved by the strict application of Egypt blockade of Gaza. Following the fall of the regime of Mubarak, Mahmoud Abbas might lose its surest support against Hamas while simultaneously the Americans have lost the leverage to change the situation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Except to enhance its prestige by granting concessions and concrete results, the PA's survival and may implode if Hamas runs its Islamic Relations to consolidate its positions. The Israeli intelligence have revealed that a unit composed of Hezbollah and Hamas stormed the prison on January 30 Wadi Natron, Cairo, to free 22 Islamists sentenced in Egypt for terrorist acts. This daring attack on the Egyptian prison was the first major quasi-military, which was conducted jointly by the two Islamist organizations. She worries the Palestinian leaders who are closer to the ingredients of a civil war.
Indeed there are many activists who managed to escape from prison to reach Gaza, where they resume the service. Ayman Nofal, a leader of Hamas, took advantage of riots in Egypt to escape the prison of Abu Zaabal Cairo and return to the Gaza Strip through tunnels dug under the Philadelphi Route. This leader of Ezzedine al-Qassam military wing of Hamas, was arrested in 2008 in the Sinai. Other leaders, who were arrested on charges of collaboration with the Muslim Brotherhood have been welcomed in Damascus. Return these historic leaders of Hamas strengthens the stature and several reactive cells ready to foment unrest in the West Bank.
The fall of Mubarak no longer allow Abbas to camp on an uncompromising stance vis-à-vis the Prime Minister
"felon" Ismail Haniyeh
. The example of Tunisia and Egypt shows that the single use of force is no longer appropriate to quell the rebellion in Gaza. The Palestinians would then have to review their doctrine of cooperation between Palestinian and Israeli security services. By Westerners also stung by the failure of their investments in the security apparatus of its allies, may revise their strategy. Funds from Europe and the United States, the CIA in particular are likely to dry up after the bad use which has been done. But these funds are used to finance a bloated security service in the West Bank and to calm the claims of some senior Palestinian Hamas to join the clan.

plans obsolete
All scenarios are analyzed by The Israeli government must review its plans become obsolete. It must include the attitude to adopt if the Palestinians, like the Egyptians, decided to rebel against their leaders. A third intifada

is not in the interest of Palestinians who have tasted peace, comfort and improving their standard of living but no one can oppose those who require the right to enjoy the same rights granted by their Arab brothers continued their revolt. The complicity of the security services Israeli-Palestinian West Bank to quell Palestinian opponents may blow apart.


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