Thursday, February 24, 2011

Octinoxate During Pregnancy

February 25, 2011 HUMOR: VALUE OF A LIFE ON ARAB

By Jacques Benillouche

The monster demonstration was in Paris this June 18 2010. It was the most important memory of journalist. The procession stretched from the Republic to the nation, several kilometers in serried ranks. One million people according to the police or two million protesters organizers said the procession were instructed to hear the condemnation of the massacres. The information came from abroad specified at the same time protests were held around the world, in London, Brussels, Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon.
the Party of Muslims of France (PMF), close to radical Islamist movements, led the march with his head imam in full regalia, dressed all in white.
Cécile Duflot, national secretary of the Greens and spokesman of Ecology in Europe, was present to accompany Olivier Besancenot who said he was "
revolted by this act of war
Since the beginning of the revolution, hundreds of corpses littering the Tunisian and Egyptian soil. But Colonel Gaddafi made hard with its thousands of dead who have dared to demand freedom. It was expected that the French go demonstrators march in protest against mass killings of civilians in order to mark their solidarity but they have not responded because the facts do not pay attention to when Arabs kill other Arabs.
Stigma selective
The same activists who had disturbed for nine deaths in the fleet of Gaza had no reason to pay attention to what happens in the Arab countries as it is an internal war. A few thousand dead Arabs are not much compared to the nine Turkish people killed on the boat Marmara. It is true that the subject does not sell and do not mobilize the masses when Israel is not involved and when the Arabs are not as victims. donors usual lessons have nothing to say about these massacres. They silent, they no longer speak, do not react in the media, no longer condemn "barbaric acts" and they lost their words to describe this tragedy. They see themselves not allowed to campaign for the rescue of thousands of Libyans who had to destroy than to be left in peace the French political organizations. The blockade of Gaza was unthinkable when it came to oppose the passage of weapons of destruction, but today the death of civilians appears to be justified in the eyes of giving lessons. Truth is a relative term since the good consciences French, who oppose Israel are always quick to respond when they believe that the Jewish state has " no consideration for the Palestinians, dispossessed, driven out of home and abused since 1948. " The other victims are not worth lingering over their fate and are not subject to any controversy. This is "their"
truth. The problem is that these elites have selective indignation if not exclusive. It would be good from time to time they take off their blinders to see that there are other people who deserve and which they did not even deign to offer a look of compassion.


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