Monday, February 21, 2011

Program To Zoom In And Depixelate Images.


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by Jacques Benillouche

Minister Rama Yade had the courage to show his bad temper and his opposition to the visit to France of Libyan leader:
"Colonel Gaddafi must understand that our country is not a doormat on which a leader, terrorist or not, can come and wipe their feet the blood of his crimes. France should not receive this kiss of death "and had continued
" I'd be more embarrassed if the French diplomacy is content to sign commercial contracts, without requiring him guarantees of human rights, man. It is a duty, and France is not a trade balance. "

Words, words

While filling the coffers of the state can justify a few snakes to swallow sometimes but, on balance, the Colonel Gaddafi had been deceived. Figures compiled were well below 11 billion euros of contracts shamelessly promised by Libya. Some policies were also asked if it was wise to pull down the red carpet before a dictator who had demonstrated an arrogance that moved and had not ceased to humiliate France and its leaders during his visit .

Colonel Gaddafi had unleashed his vengeance by refusing, a volunteer with vulgarity, the Union for the Mediterranean advocated by French President. While the dictator moved into his folk Bedouin tent in the gardens of the Hotel Marigny, residence of guests and he was admitted to the National Assembly, Jean-Pierre Raffarin justified then this excess of Honor by political contingencies:
"For the realization of the great project of Nicolas Sarkozy's Mediterranean Union, it is important that the southern shore of the Mediterranean is growing and that Libya make more efforts to develop the Maghreb. "

Alas, wishing to adorn clothes too large for Pan Arab leader, Gaddafi refused Israel's presence in this union and was transformed to give lessons: "We are neither hungry nor dogs to throw us bones. If Europe wants to cooperate with us, it does so with the Arab League or the African Union but we do not accept that Europe deals with one group. "
He even pushed the Algerian President Bouteflika and King Mohamed VI of Morocco to shun the top countries in the Mediterranean organized by Nicolas Sarkozy.

Hope Rafale

Colonel Qaddafi has actually played in France and brilliantly to his advantage. He had believed he would be the first Arab ruler to control the Rafale fighter but no one has seen his signature on an order. He had dangled from the acquisition of Areva civilian nuclear facilities but has signed only the meager sales of electrical equipment. As for the French public works, yet they continue to battle for the taking of a contract of several million euros for the realization of extension of the Tripoli airport.

Gaddafi had properly handled the world but without being accused of lying. It announced that its partners would not believe. He fell into the dustbin of history after the United States had exploded a part of his palace but Nicolas Sarkozy had managed to get out by dangling the restructuring needs of his country. But the bidding was only meant to glorify his character by not distributing a handout.

Few politicians have asked at the time, the question de l’intérêt d’une compromission avec un tyran, maître-chanteur de surcroit, qui ne cessait d’agiter ses pétrodollars en guise de carotte et qui, en remerciement pour le tapis rouge qui lui avait été déroulé à Paris, se permettait d’offrir un camouflet à Nicolas Sarkozy. Les promesses n’engagent certes que ceux qui les reçoivent mais Kadhafi avait apporté l’illustration d’une crédulité occidentale qui frise la naïveté.

Le problème des courbettes face aux dictateurs se pose aujourd’hui. Le syrien Bassar El Assad avait fait lui aussi les honneurs de la République. Quant Ahmadinejad can still count on Western weakness for taunting by sending two naval ships against the U.S. Sixth Fleet. It should now that Western leaders anticipate the fall of the last tyrant to consider revising the policy towards them. But the intricacies of politics are impenetrable.


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