Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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The domino effect of falling dictators Tunisian, Libyan and Egyptian sounds like a wind direction of democracy in Arab countries. Hope is reborn among the people under the dictatorship but it is highly probable that this hope will be sterile. In fact, Arab countries do not seem ready for democracy because the change was abrupt and two reasons to oppose this development.

Submission to Islam

The first cause is related to the religion that surrounds the gearbox in a straitjacket. Islam is not a narrative interspersed with legends like the Bible but the word of Allah own
, reported by the archangel Djibril Mohammed. Yet God's word can not be challenged by humans and it requires that the Koran
remains frozen in its original version.
While the Torah is based on the spiritual and the rule of man, Islam imposes rites for the acts of daily life are orchestrated so as immutable with a willingness to take precedence on human reasoning. Followers must then complete obedience by making religion in total contradiction with the essence of democracy. Alexis de Tocqueville
, the theorist of Western democracy, defending individual freedom and political equality. But the major threat to the Arab countries lies in the renunciation of freedom, advocated by supporters of Islamism. The principle of equality required by democracy is fought by the Sharia
who insists on inequality among human beings. The concept of slavery is also justified in the Qur'an: "Abolishing slavery fell almost to the inconceivable. Forbid what God permits is a crime almost as great as to permit what He forbids. "
Until the Arab countries have locked their borders to avoid being contaminated by the traditions of Western societies to avoid the overlap between the populations in Muslim lands. Modern history shows that no Muslim country is not entered or remained in democracy as long as all attempts were doomed to failure.
The example of Turkey is complimentary and demonstrates that the experience has been that long. Came to power through free elections, the Islamists of the AKP have gradually eliminated those who could overshadow them. The generals were sent into retirement and the most recalcitrant had to answer for their rebellion in the courts. The modern Constitution was amended in the silence of the opposition to reduce the power of the military, which guaranteed secularism. These episodes show that there is only one Islam and that those who believe in the existence of an Islamic "light" , said moderate, are wrong. Access to power of Islamists is often realized by a loss of democracy because, based on their religious tenets, they confiscate freedoms to the detriment of the interests of their people.

The influence of the Umma

Muslim citizens do not control their future because it depends on the will of Allah that imposes its guidance to the Ummah
The community of believers, by imposing a influence of religion on all aspects of society and sometimes verging on the totalitarian doctrine. The Arab countries can not be reconciled with democracy if Islam is separated from the state since Sharia denies man the right to legislate, and only God's law supersedes all secular laws.
Arab dictators misusing these concepts to fight any attempt to break the shackles of a totalitarian theocracy using to oppose democracy. So, to motivate people broken under the yoke of a tyrant, they are the plaything of
jihad, war holy, in a sort of outlet for diverting their attention on the realities of modern society. In the ongoing battle, the militants who train for jihad have more time to focus on their plight and demands of the modern world too committed to defending human rights.

Nature regimes

The second obstacle to democracy is the nature of political regimes in place. Outside the feudal monarchies, Arab countries have simply copied the European dictatorships of the twentieth century by exploiting the same ingredients: a leader dubbed by the people, a single party to silence opposition, an army under the command of Chief of the Secret Service omnipotent and omnipresent, nationalism that advocates the rule of the Arab identity over all other ethnic groups, a nationalized and centralized economy, and finally the brake on progress to stifle any desire for emancipation. addition, Arab societies are formed into clans that allow dictatorships to rely on tribal ties, while the promotions of military schools cement their power. These clans are substituted for the formation of political parties by repressing by force and terror, any attempt to impose democracy.
Americans are not immune from liability because they have always imposed their double game by words, they encourage democracy and support the opposition movements abroad while protecting the authoritarian regimes in the interest of the United States. In fact, the owners desire to dominate oil into the hands of democracies who was careful to change all that. The genius of dictatorships to invent a machine for acquiring income for personal gain causes them to neglect refugee populations into submission and resignation.
This financial strength, coupled with a demographic power, could realize ambitious projects in technology, in social development in the general welfare, in the acquisition of European monopolies and control over the mighty West. In fact the opposite has been achieved. Revenues are donated to a minority that monopolizes and stores them in the coffers of Western banks for purely personal, if not villainous. Furthermore, to consolidate their power is not shared, the despots squandered much of the oil revenues in buying weapons to protect their privileges by force.

Westerners needed dictators s 'opposed to the democratic awakening, which guaranteed their oil supplies at competitive costs while safeguarding the economic interests and fighting terrorists like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. But this double game played against the learning democracy while terrorist acts were increasing as a result of the oppression of dictators against their people.
It is not clear that dictatorships Tunisian, Egyptian and Libyan be replaced by democracies in the meaning of the West. Besides Nasser was replaced by Mubarak Ben Ali and Bourguiba by. The force succeeds force. Dictatorial regimes generate their own antibodies while democracy desired by the Arab peoples may be diluted in an Islamic power that will moderate the name. Arab countries must bring themselves to treat their hereditary curse which is called a dictatorship if they want to reconcile with democracy.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who stand looking.

Albert Einstein

The milestone of 34,972 visitors per month was reached in February 2011.
Statistics since June 28, 2010 (Google Analytics)



Jun-10 114  439 juillet-10              1.326                 4.539 août-10                1.943               14.756

septembre-10      1.509               13.241

octobre-10           2.589               19.722

novembre-10       4.539               32.684
décembre-10       3.461               28.546

Janvier-11          3.946                31.039
Février-11          4.093                34,972


Thanks to all my readers, more and more, that plug on this blog. They allowed me to achieve, since June 28, 2010, 180,297 visitors
. It is a great encouragement for each month of new readers
get acquainted with the site and join us.

I especially thank the 510 Tunisians, 305 Moroccans, 171 Algerians, 21 Senegalese, 25 Lebanese, 13 Egyptians, Iranians 6, 5 and 4 UAE Qataris used the site. They prove their independence and openness in reading the texts of an Israeli journalist. I hope they do not abandon me.
Thanks to Slate, to Guysen TV and radio Kol-Israel national who opened my horizons internationally.

Thanks also to the followers of obscurantism and misinformation that are boycotting my site because some truths are not good writing. They encouraged those who did not know me yet to support me and spread my articles about them.
Thanks to all the sites, newspapers, radio and television, too numerous to mention, who do me the honor of relaying my articles, Israel, France, Algeria, Senegal and even in South America, for cite these countries and to prove that the defense of truth has no boundaries.
I will continue in humility to pursue my goal to inform honestly, without bias, without militancy, without hatred, but with courtesy even if sometimes you have to press the wound to make even worse. The truth is the only worthy goal.

I thank all my informants who trust me, that I do have some good use of their data and know that I will not betray ever.


Monday, February 28, 2011

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MEHLHORN welcomed the Departmental Assembly, this Monday, Feb. 28, delegates from the 4th class and 3rd college Rene Cassin - The Gatines. It is with pleasure that, after a short presentation of the role of the General Council, he played along and answer questions, which constituted for children an excellent complement to civics. Indeed, many participants had very specific questions concerning the functions of the Chosen and the prerogatives of different institutions (City Hall, Council, Regional Council and State).

How Long Can One Take Losec

End of this blog

After more than 2 years blogging about my blog, I draw my bow. I left because I think I toured the garden and I have other projects in mind. I realize the limits of words and words. Actively getting involved at federal level in my county, I have no time and if elections should be, I would have even less time.

There's exasperation with the Quebecers who do not want change. The people of Quebec for example who were the first to say right now want a Coliseum audience. Quebecor makes us move the group from Legault for the right, while the opposite is true. There also the loser mentality that seems very strong in Quebec, by simply always the minimum, we have a deficit, but less important than other provinces, while we continue spending.

Worst of all Quebec is its education system. To live, the single thought that continues to teach there, I have little hope for the Quebec for change with the next generation that form. Help yourself

heaven help you! Quebecers do not seem to help.

I enjoyed the experience of blogging, it helps to see that more people who think the same thing as you, that our media would have us believe. Regarding the latter, the Journal de Montreal will return to nest in the political left, with the return of unionized labor ...

A topic that I raised and that was important for me is the issue of Mile. The only time that our media speak for them is for the dead or for attacks that have killed civilians. The military role is also strategic for the economy, mainly in the Gulf of Aden, where pirates threaten the free flow of trade safely. They are also saving lives because of the hostage crew boat. The soldiers do not only kill, they save lives. Quebec is quite special, for his opposition to the military. Yet in Egypt, the army has allowed people to be able to make a revolution by protecting them from pro-Mubarak, for example. Whether the F-35, the government will equip our military to live up to their work, a rare time in Canadian military history and the Liberals are against, it's inconceivable to me.

Thanks to everyone who read this blog, you are more than 100 000 to have done and those who commented.

Pierre-Luc Jean

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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var _gaq = _gaq Arab revolutions: the germ Palestinian

By Jacques Benillouche

The Palestinians were the first to fight in the streets and to seek a democratic model Arabic.

This may seem surprising, but the rioters who took to the streets of
Tunisia, Egypt

and Libya
claiming its freedom and democracy have been preceded by the Palestinians. Even if they do not have a state, they were the first to express this desire for freedom in the streets and also relatively freely in the polls. Also note that for once the streets of Tunis, Cairo and Tripoli, Israel was virtually absent from the slogans and claims. Typically, political and economic frustrations Arab societies were an easy outlet, which have used and abused all plans, with the two Satans, Israel and the United States.

Read the rest of the article on SLATE : http://www. / story / 34809/revolutions-arabes-

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CBC is back to order by its ombudsman

CBC in its crusade against the conservatives went too far. They made a mistake by trying to try to convince people that the government had caved in to tobacco lobbyists.
"The conclusion of The National there was a causal link between lobbying and the withdrawal of the draft label has not been demonstrated with all the seriousness that require the journalistic standards and practices of the CBC. These require the facts and evidence "Écritl'ombudsman has the CBC, Kirk Lapointe [here]
The Ombudsman therefore considered that the CBC had gone too far without proof, so in his obsession against the Conservatives. This is not the first time the CBC does things like that, their French colleagues have recently done a story on Harper and religion, where we wanted to involve them.

media are monitored in their political coverage, some claim to neutral when they are not. Sun TV news at least is transparent and shows its colors, without falling into the game on CBC.

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Fair Tax: A tax collection that deserves to be known

It is a form of tax collection called Fair Tax. Instead of taxes, state revenues are now derived from income taxes. The main usefulness of this system is to eliminate tax evasion. So someone is making money in the table below (in black), finds himself obliged to pay because they buy products taxed.

The tax system encourages people to work. More you work, you have more money. This is not the case with the tax now where those who work more pay more taxes. The bureaucracy is reduced since it is much easier to manage, it is only the fees already collected that become more important in revenue. People who are working overtime to find reward in having more money and not discouraged by changing the tax class tax as is currently the case, which encourages people to work harder.

This perception of taxation is best known for our southern neighbors, the United States, which is the biggest obstacle to the imposition of such a measure in Quebec ...

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JOURNAL February 27, 2011: THE HAND OF IRAN

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Click the black triangle to see the video

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Populism and economic

By simple populism, the Bloc Quebecois forgets basic economic concepts. He claims that are steal oil consumers. The only flight that I see is the city of Quebec, which refuses to see Cosco install a gas station in Quebec that would increase supply and lower prices. The minimum price of gasoline is a consumer direct flight supervised by the government.

The price is too high for these reasons throughout the year and the Bloc, said that only now that prices are too high because displayed on 1.26 at the pump now. If the Bloc were acting on our interests rather than just populist interests, he would have denounced this situation before. As for Kyoto, it would not support this agreement.

Otherwise, business is business. Rioux Christian gives a lesson in economics on his blog about it that I invite you to visit, to explain the management control of the supply of the oil companies to avoid speculation.

brief look back, this is not the Bloc Quebecois, which wants the government to help the Shell refinery? Pierre Curzi

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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"I had respect for Mr. Curzi" Lucien Bouchard.

just committed another error. It seems to address people who are popular, having attacked Paul McCartney, he attacked Lucien Bouchard because the latter became president of the Oil and Gas Association of Quebec. Lucien Bouchard replied stating that the past had respect for Curzi. That seems very different now ...

Here's what Pierre Curzi said about Lucien Bouchard:
"Personally, I am quite opposed to shale gas, "said Mr. Curzi, MP Borduas, Montérégie. The question I ask myself is: What is the image that the mirror returns to Mr. Bouchard when he looks? I do not quite understand. [...] It will surely use his charisma and power as a negotiator. I guess that's what he brings to the gas industry. "
I wonder who should be ashamed to look in the mirror, the one who makes a living and protecting the economic interests of Quebec defending the industry or those who do not see the wall coming up to the Quebec model.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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The Iranian ships through the Suez Canal

Listen to the show by clicking the black triangle

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Environmentalists want more money

Environmentalists feel they do not have enough money and power . There are too many conventions to protect the environment on the left and right. In short, regarding the excessive number of conventions, it is explained easily enough. Man can not control the environment and has only a minor influence on her. In recent years, it is easy to see the high number of international summits to address the issue of environment and it is always a dismal failure not to mention the CO2 produced for travel in these mountains ... Instead

to confess their sins Environmentalists want more money and power, an organization to control the environment such as health. The same organization which has on its board of pharmaceuticals that have changed the definition of a pandemic to sell vaccines against influenza. With the environment, will be producers of wind turbines or electric cars such as who will do the same ...

Communists have the same argument, if the system does not work is that it is not fully implemented, conservationists are now saying the same thing to justify an increase in their grants.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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February 25, 2011 HUMOR: VALUE OF A LIFE ON ARAB

By Jacques Benillouche

The monster demonstration was in Paris this June 18 2010. It was the most important memory of journalist. The procession stretched from the Republic to the nation, several kilometers in serried ranks. One million people according to the police or two million protesters organizers said the procession were instructed to hear the condemnation of the massacres. The information came from abroad specified at the same time protests were held around the world, in London, Brussels, Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon.
the Party of Muslims of France (PMF), close to radical Islamist movements, led the march with his head imam in full regalia, dressed all in white.
Cécile Duflot, national secretary of the Greens and spokesman of Ecology in Europe, was present to accompany Olivier Besancenot who said he was "
revolted by this act of war
Since the beginning of the revolution, hundreds of corpses littering the Tunisian and Egyptian soil. But Colonel Gaddafi made hard with its thousands of dead who have dared to demand freedom. It was expected that the French go demonstrators march in protest against mass killings of civilians in order to mark their solidarity but they have not responded because the facts do not pay attention to when Arabs kill other Arabs.
Stigma selective
The same activists who had disturbed for nine deaths in the fleet of Gaza had no reason to pay attention to what happens in the Arab countries as it is an internal war. A few thousand dead Arabs are not much compared to the nine Turkish people killed on the boat Marmara. It is true that the subject does not sell and do not mobilize the masses when Israel is not involved and when the Arabs are not as victims. donors usual lessons have nothing to say about these massacres. They silent, they no longer speak, do not react in the media, no longer condemn "barbaric acts" and they lost their words to describe this tragedy. They see themselves not allowed to campaign for the rescue of thousands of Libyans who had to destroy than to be left in peace the French political organizations. The blockade of Gaza was unthinkable when it came to oppose the passage of weapons of destruction, but today the death of civilians appears to be justified in the eyes of giving lessons. Truth is a relative term since the good consciences French, who oppose Israel are always quick to respond when they believe that the Jewish state has " no consideration for the Palestinians, dispossessed, driven out of home and abused since 1948. " The other victims are not worth lingering over their fate and are not subject to any controversy. This is "their"
truth. The problem is that these elites have selective indignation if not exclusive. It would be good from time to time they take off their blinders to see that there are other people who deserve and which they did not even deign to offer a look of compassion.

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Inaugural Speech: Handling for Dummies

What is the inaugural speech of Jean Charest? We announced several things, but with all the lies which have had the right since 2003, is there something that will happen in the ideas contained no Charest? It has often been used to change their minds depending on the temperature of the moment the Liberal Party.

With the above lines, I felt I repeat in my comments on my blog, but it seems that it is as if the Prime Minister who is just repeating the same things, including the famous Northern Plan that nobody saw. The speech is more symbolic than anything else, not restore vous not solve the problem of school dropouts.

A speech to the government's image, we avoid decisions and complicated problems. The speech, however, is good publicity for the government.

Positives, he wants to exploit shale gas, and will not bend to the artists and another positive point for English in Grade 6.

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Federal Election: It's missing the date ... The next federal budget

Canada is heading toward an election? They seem that we have never been as close to an election since the topic was discussed before the holidays. The NDP said the Conservative government can not count on his support for voting on the next budget. It seems there had seen a break in the negotiations. Canada will probably go up for election on the budget to be presented March 22 if the trend continues.

polls are not very good for the new Democratic Party, but the Liberals also have difficulties, reducing the gap. Anyway, the political cost of support for Stephen Harper would have been another opportunity for Jack Layton to become the NDP Stephane Dion, a title that is not good in Canadian politics. This is the label that all the leaders want to avoid.

Everything can change, but the games seem to be made ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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The Fraser Institute has just published a report for the next federal budget in terms of suggestions regarding the return to budget balance. It highlights a concern that worries is that the increase in federal spending. There is an increase in revenue is coming with the economic recovery, but increased spending must stop.

I wish to see in the next budget proposal Maxime Bernier offers growth zero expenditure of the state, with a fixed budget and force the government to reduce spending to inflation. It would be a very effective solution for the return to budget balance. There are also significant cuts that must be done in the next upcoming budget.

The Canadian Taxpayer Federation has already started today their Canadian tour with the Debt Clock. a part of their site devoted is where you can sign a petition calling for a return to balanced budgets.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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SLATE: For Israel, the Iranian threat is approaching

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SLATE: For Israel, the Iranian threat is approaching

By Jacques Benillouche

Tehran enjoys the floating of the Egyptian government and the weakening U.S. to send warships in the Mediterranean.
Two Iranian warships crossed the Suez Canal and entered Mediterranean Tuesday, February 22 for the first time since 1979 and the revolution Islamic. The ships are the frigate of 1,500 tons Alvand and transporting 33,000 tons Kharg. The frigate is armed with torpedoes and anti-aircraft missiles and helicopters has Kharg ....
Read more on Slate: / 34509/israel-iran-navire-menace-guerre

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by Jacques Benillouche

Click the black triangle to listen to the show

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Journal televised Feb. 21, 2011

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Click the black triangle to see the Video

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Maxime Bernier, the great strategist

Observers of politics have decided instead to take defense of Bill 101, forgetting any notion of what attraction to the way political attack against Maxime Bernier Bill 101 was well done. From a strategic standpoint, Maxime Bernier have acted as a policy in its response.

Normally, a politician who lacks courage would have been three phases in response to the scandal triggered.

1-Denial: The politician denies he said the remarks in question, they were fired from one context to his disadvantage.

2-Confess: He admits he said what he has yet denied before.

3-Apologize: He apologized for what he said, his words have overwhelmed his thoughts.

Now, here is what Maxime Bernier did:

1-Confirm: He does not deny in any way what he said.

2-Defending his position: He defends his position on his blog adding arguments.

3-Ignore the mainstream media: order not to inflate the story, we ignore the media (mainly Montreal) because they are too emotional about this issue and avoids spillage.

From a standpoint of political strategy, Maxime Bernier has to be a strategist, you may notice that no longer speaks to the news. He maintains his principles and integrity, which is his trademark. Respect for his ideas of right and coherence. The media have already spent more.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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What is the difference between Legault and Boisclair?

Francois Legault decided to go in the direction of school reform with an ideology of type: "The important thing is to get better." The famous manifesto came out today, it looks like a lot to talk, talk, talk. We must improve, we can do better. The famous do more with less. This is magical thinking that has guided the Quebec in recent years. The result, as we all know is a failure. Legault has decided to go in the same direction, Quebec remains condemned.

Legault is a politician who lies to the left center, and will remain so. Note to those who saw a party of right ideas proposed by Legault. If the ADQ and the 2 independents come to join Francois Legault, this would be equivalent to sell to the highest bidder. With the ideas he proposes, I'd be surprised if he joins him. I think we recognize that people of principle who did not have before the next election.

This party looks like a 2.0 Boisclair. The priority is education, a PQ but not least left the country project. In short, Francois Legault and André Boisclair, what is the difference ? It seems that the same result. Quebecers will they say not to Legault as they did with Boisclair?

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by Jacques Benillouche

Minister Rama Yade had the courage to show his bad temper and his opposition to the visit to France of Libyan leader:
"Colonel Gaddafi must understand that our country is not a doormat on which a leader, terrorist or not, can come and wipe their feet the blood of his crimes. France should not receive this kiss of death "and had continued
" I'd be more embarrassed if the French diplomacy is content to sign commercial contracts, without requiring him guarantees of human rights, man. It is a duty, and France is not a trade balance. "

Words, words

While filling the coffers of the state can justify a few snakes to swallow sometimes but, on balance, the Colonel Gaddafi had been deceived. Figures compiled were well below 11 billion euros of contracts shamelessly promised by Libya. Some policies were also asked if it was wise to pull down the red carpet before a dictator who had demonstrated an arrogance that moved and had not ceased to humiliate France and its leaders during his visit .

Colonel Gaddafi had unleashed his vengeance by refusing, a volunteer with vulgarity, the Union for the Mediterranean advocated by French President. While the dictator moved into his folk Bedouin tent in the gardens of the Hotel Marigny, residence of guests and he was admitted to the National Assembly, Jean-Pierre Raffarin justified then this excess of Honor by political contingencies:
"For the realization of the great project of Nicolas Sarkozy's Mediterranean Union, it is important that the southern shore of the Mediterranean is growing and that Libya make more efforts to develop the Maghreb. "

Alas, wishing to adorn clothes too large for Pan Arab leader, Gaddafi refused Israel's presence in this union and was transformed to give lessons: "We are neither hungry nor dogs to throw us bones. If Europe wants to cooperate with us, it does so with the Arab League or the African Union but we do not accept that Europe deals with one group. "
He even pushed the Algerian President Bouteflika and King Mohamed VI of Morocco to shun the top countries in the Mediterranean organized by Nicolas Sarkozy.

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Colonel Qaddafi has actually played in France and brilliantly to his advantage. He had believed he would be the first Arab ruler to control the Rafale fighter but no one has seen his signature on an order. He had dangled from the acquisition of Areva civilian nuclear facilities but has signed only the meager sales of electrical equipment. As for the French public works, yet they continue to battle for the taking of a contract of several million euros for the realization of extension of the Tripoli airport.

Gaddafi had properly handled the world but without being accused of lying. It announced that its partners would not believe. He fell into the dustbin of history after the United States had exploded a part of his palace but Nicolas Sarkozy had managed to get out by dangling the restructuring needs of his country. But the bidding was only meant to glorify his character by not distributing a handout.

Few politicians have asked at the time, the question de l’intérêt d’une compromission avec un tyran, maître-chanteur de surcroit, qui ne cessait d’agiter ses pétrodollars en guise de carotte et qui, en remerciement pour le tapis rouge qui lui avait été déroulé à Paris, se permettait d’offrir un camouflet à Nicolas Sarkozy. Les promesses n’engagent certes que ceux qui les reçoivent mais Kadhafi avait apporté l’illustration d’une crédulité occidentale qui frise la naïveté.

Le problème des courbettes face aux dictateurs se pose aujourd’hui. Le syrien Bassar El Assad avait fait lui aussi les honneurs de la République. Quant Ahmadinejad can still count on Western weakness for taunting by sending two naval ships against the U.S. Sixth Fleet. It should now that Western leaders anticipate the fall of the last tyrant to consider revising the policy towards them. But the intricacies of politics are impenetrable.

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Libya seat on the Council of Human Rights UN

The UN body has become increasingly useless and that has demonstrably ineffective. Several people were disappointed that Canada does not get a seat on the council of the UN Security was a shame we do not participate in this international organization. However, with the events currently taking place in Libya, where repression of demonstrations against the government is 173 dead. Yep, this country seat on the board of Human Rights.

I'm glad to see that Canada is not participating in this farce that is the United Nations.

Libya sits on the board of Human Rights and in 2003, the country has even served as president of the council.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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The high Canadian dollar: they are all winners

I recommend reading an excellent text Pierre Duhamel who was not yet convinced that a strong dollar was good for the citizens and their purchases, even the jobs increase despite the rising dollar.
"A loon strong it destroys jobs? Between January 2010 and January 2011, it has created 327,300 new jobs in Canada. The manufacturing sector suffers? We still created 56,500 jobs in the manufacturing sector for 12 months. Quebec is the victim of the strong dollar? It has created 88,400 jobs in Quebec for 12 months. The unemployment rate was 8.2% in Quebec in January 2001 against 7.9% in January. "

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The only unionized Wal-Mart, wants to leave the union!

Walmart is the only union in Quebec, that of St-Hyacinthe, now wants the union out of the store. They got their union recognition in 2005 and 6 years later, we want to go back, there is a request to place the Committee on Labour Relations. Why bother

be simple non-unionized workers? There are several advantages. The high cost of union dues has surely played into the decision against the benefits obtained by the union. The decision was signed by 147 of the 205 employees, nearly 75%. The professor believes UQAM course at pressures of the employer to force them to leave the union, it's nothing too surprising. We should not forget that 200 applications of this style are sent annually. The union must admit its failure in the face at Walmart.

These workers are probably good people who have realized that it was more advantageous for them to be rewarded according to their work according to their years of work experience.

I can not wait to see if people Couche-Tard will think two times before making the same mistake as the employees of St-Hyacinthe. It is always easier to sell a dream than a reality and our unions are master in the field.

It's not for nothing that the unionization rate was down in Canada since 1997.

By the way, is it me or this news has been less discussed in our media that the new union for a new store?

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By Jacques Benillouche

The Council of the UN Security

missions assigned to the United Nations in its Charter plan to "maintain peace and security and promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms ". But he often have their own priorities imposed by the majority of the members who constitute it.

Thus the NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) estimates, based on medical sources and witnesses, that the Libyan security forces have killed more than 104 protesters since the beginning of the movement, most in Benghazi, the second largest city and an opposition stronghold, 1,000 km east of Tripoli. But those deaths do not fall within the priorities of the UN.
The UN Mission for Human Rights in Tunisia indicates that at least 147 people were killed and over 500 others were injured in the riots that brought down the Ben Ali regime. But those deaths do not fall within the priorities of the UN. But, fortunately, a subject has found favor with the fourteen members of the Security Council who were looking for debate for their long hours of inactivity. It was not a draft Arab resolution in support of the peoples in the process of democratization, or a project to help victims of the riots, nor of a project to ban the use of force against civilians, but a draft condemning Israeli settlement policy.
January 25 to February 11, during the eighteen days of demonstrations that have caused the fall of President Hosni Mubarak, 365 people were killed and 5500 injured. This interim review was announced by the Egyptian Ministry of Health. But those deaths do not fall within the priorities of the UN.
At least five civilians were killed in Mogadishu, Somalia in fighting between Islamist insurgents and soldiers Shebab peacekeeping force of African Union. In the wake of the uprising of Tunisians and Egyptians against the dictatorship, the Jordanians are raised and they were thousands to protest to demand the overthrow of the government. The blackout imposed by the authorities can not count the victims. Bahrain also ignites without him as we know, for now, the number of victims of repression. But those deaths do not fall within the priorities of the UN.
Finally a story about Israel was found because the settlers are a danger to