Wednesday, November 28, 2007

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Telethon: Getting Ready ...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

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Diversity and equality: Participate!

The European Union and MTV are launching an appeal to young European talents to give their views diversity and equality.

The European Union today launched a new contest to draw attention to the diversity and the fight against discrimination, with a 30 "spot on MTV, the channel of choice for young people.

The film asks viewers to send a work of art, photos, videos, collages, etc.. on the theme of diversity and equality.

For more info on the European campaign "For Diversity. Against Discrimination" and "2007. Year of Equal Opportunities for All, visit on: and

Monday, November 12, 2007

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Being "healthy" is to take care of yourself! It is important these days to take the time to look after yourself so that our body can we make being in shape!

is that at the Moulin association ASTER organize this Tuesday, November 13, 2007 's health forum towards an audience of college students (with the visit of students of Ferdinand Buisson, and the Hamelet of Ferns) and high school students and Decretot Fontenelles.

On this occasion, each visitor will meet with young professionals.

Representatives of the Municipal Youth Council Louviers will also be hard at work to make the WJC and a sample of actions they could implement in the field ( Sid'Art, prevention, etc.).

Be likely to meet with us from 9am to 18pm at the Moulin de Louviers.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Increase Xbox 360 Quality

Health Forum Meeting at the Residence of Park

This Friday, we went to the residence of the park to meet the elderly. We were not sure how to start. There were lots of people.

And then the game started, it was a "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" on a giant screen and there it was great. I led the game with Monique, the moderator of the Residence du Parc, and Zohir was flying of the computer.

Still a little shy but we started to discuss, to compare our answers, we did not always agree ...

nonstick We were about music and our guests geography and history (you know, you, the Rhine had its source in Switzerland).

We played all together so well that we won € 100 000.

Then it was time for an aperitif and then we still talked a lot. It was difficult to leave and we had promised to meet again, without waiting for the next week Blue especially as Zohir and Mrs. Dubois had challenged scrabble ...

Madame Dubois resident:

"Well I think that we change many of our card games and hopefully we remake it in the year. But I find that young people are a little shy towards the elderly, but I found it nice. They are really nice and fun to play with them. "

As for me, I do not necessarily expect to spend a nice evening too.
I feared a little, as all my friends ... What are we gonna say? Are we going to understand? ... And all it really is all alone. I spent a wonderful evening.

"Well, oh no one more thing, the game, I found that Ms. Dubois was the most intelligent, she has answered almost all questions. We must meet again for a game of Scrabble. .. but I'm not afraid ... "

Friday, October 12, 2007

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Blue as the week

What Blue as the week?

Week National Pensioners and Senior Citizens, known as Blue Week today is a special time of community life that has existed since 1951.

This event aims to inform and educate the public about the contributions of retirees in the economic, social and cultural concerns and difficulties faced by the elderly.

This is a week of solidarity with our grandfathers and our grandmothers. And it's an opportunity for young elected officials in partnership with the Residence du Parc, go to the meetings of the elders of our town, to meet and share a good time together.

On Friday, October 19, 2007
17h30 - 19h
Residence Park
27400 Louviers
Blue Week ... 365 days to act ... 7 days to tell.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

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Debt commission

Insolvency Commission - Solution indebtedness

Neiertz The law of 31 December 1989 established in each county at least one debt commission individuals.

The main task assigned to these committees indebtedness is to find solutions, amicable or judicial, for individuals who are in good faith unable to cope with their debts outside of work. Indeed, Debt Commissions looking to find a compromise with the creditors of indebted people to ease their debts.

Procedures indebtedness

Persons entitled to refer the debt commission are:
- Individuals of good faith, including foreigners residing in France for non-business debts, and, whatever their income level;

- Individuals temporarily residing abroad and having their principal residence on French territory;

- Individuals of French nationality outside of France who contracted non-business debts with creditors established on national territory.
They can seize the debt commission governing the establishment of one of their creditors ;

- The ancient craftsmen, farmers and other professions if they have, for over a year, ceased their de facto activity, or if they are written off over a year from the trade register. These former professionals are Beneficiaries of the procedure established by law only if their debt is not related to their past activity. Therefore
commissions indebtedness should remove the old debts professional to assess, at the admissibility of the debtor's situation, since they are expressly excluded from the law;

- A spouse, for his personal debt, that is to say his own debts, and non-business debts incurred by one or both spouses and resulting solidarity of the other spouse under the matrimonial property, including debts incurred for household needs and care of children, even if the other spouse is excluded from the proceedings because of his professional status;

- A person Physical whose indebtedness is the result of the commitment it gave to endorse or severally to pay the debt of a sole proprietor or partnership if it was not in law or in fact leader thereof.

Members of the debt commission

Generally, debt commission includes representatives of the State Department, President, paymaster-general, vice-president, the local representative Banque de France, which provides the secretariat, as well as two persons chosen by the State representative in the department.

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Deposit Account - Procedure - Seizure Procedure Committee debt personal recovery

The law allows people who can not cope with their debt to non-occupational initiate a debt overhang. This procedure is free.

The seizure of the debt commission
In principle the seizure of the debt commission be effected by the submission of the statement of indebtedness is sent by ordinary mail or deposited with the secretariat Commission.

+ File of indebtedness
This file consists of indebtedness of the following: •
the family composition (photocopy of the Family ...)
• income (salary slips, Assedic Family Allowances Fund ...) ;
• the assets (cars, real estate, including Savings Savings Plan Company ...) •
expenses (photocopies of rent receipts, Income Tax, Property Tax, Housing and TV license, Insurance ...) • the
bank statements;
• all debts must be mentioned, both tax debts, late rent, rental fees (...) the mortgages, personal revolving credit (...) made with financial institutions.

+ For more information on the back of indebtedness:
Kit indebtedness

Consideration of admissibility of the application
After the filing of the dossier, the debt commission the first reviews to determine its admissibility or not, so she made an inventory of the overall debt.
When the case is admissible, the debt commission decides its : plan of reorganization or personal recovery proceedings

conventional plan of reorganization or personal recovery proceedings
First, it negotiates a conventional plan of reorganization if this has not led to a result, it can make recommendations. The judge allows the execution to give them binding. He also intervenes in cases of appeal.

In case the debt commission found that the debtor has low resources, it can then initiate a procedure for personal recovery, she took it to the court of the execution.

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Before entering the court of enforcement for the purposes of opening a personal recovery proceedings, the debtor must give written consent on a form by which it informs the debt commission he accepts the decision to liquidate his personal assets.

Otherwise, an appeal against the decision of the commission may be made by creditors within 15 days of notification that is sent with the case to judge performance.
For this, the execution judge shall appoint a liquidator to prepare a heritage assessment of the debtor.

The liquidator has a period of 12 months to sell the property by agreement or, failing that, organizing a forced sale. It makes the product distribution of assets and pay off the creditors according to their rank.

J. summon the debtor during a public hearing to analyze the situation and decide how to restore staff which will result in the cancellation of debts to the exclusion of criminal convictions, debts, food, professional tax debt, business debt, debt settled by a cash deposit and repairs ...

A copy of the order is addressed by the judge Commission secretariat , load it to inform creditors.

The debtor will be registered for a period of 8 years FICP (File National Incident refund Individual Credit ).

See also:

Kit indebtedness
File National Incident repayment loans (FICP)
FILING Banque France
Credit Banking prohibited
Redemption Credit Banking prohibited
Redemption Credit FICP
Interim Credit Redemption
Redemption Credit indebtedness