Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Increase Xbox 360 Quality

Health Forum Meeting at the Residence of Park

This Friday, we went to the residence of the park to meet the elderly. We were not sure how to start. There were lots of people.

And then the game started, it was a "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" on a giant screen and there it was great. I led the game with Monique, the moderator of the Residence du Parc, and Zohir was flying of the computer.

Still a little shy but we started to discuss, to compare our answers, we did not always agree ...

nonstick We were about music and our guests geography and history (you know, you, the Rhine had its source in Switzerland).

We played all together so well that we won € 100 000.

Then it was time for an aperitif and then we still talked a lot. It was difficult to leave and we had promised to meet again, without waiting for the next week Blue especially as Zohir and Mrs. Dubois had challenged scrabble ...

Madame Dubois resident:

"Well I think that we change many of our card games and hopefully we remake it in the year. But I find that young people are a little shy towards the elderly, but I found it nice. They are really nice and fun to play with them. "

As for me, I do not necessarily expect to spend a nice evening too.
I feared a little, as all my friends ... What are we gonna say? Are we going to understand? ... And all it really is all alone. I spent a wonderful evening.

"Well, oh no one more thing, the game, I found that Ms. Dubois was the most intelligent, she has answered almost all questions. We must meet again for a game of Scrabble. .. but I'm not afraid ... "


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