Thursday, November 25, 2010

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Two cases were particularly attracted attention name :

- The BOD (budget orientation debate): the document must present the main lines of action for the coming year. Disappointing for a department that manages a budget of over 1 billion Euros, only 8 pages. The only good news: taxes will not increase in 2011. Normal is an election year.

- The debate on future transport networks in the Greater Paris Metro and Arc Express. This decision has several points made unanimously and in particular the fact that the proposed infrastructure must take into account the maintenance and development existing facilities (RER C, RER D, ...).

Sunday, November 21, 2010

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Visit the site of the French School of canyoning

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Canyons Canyon of France and the world

topo guide, access to the site, information about the race rules in force .......

Sunday, November 14, 2010

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Your General Counsel is concerned about the inaction of STIF

Association "the Chosen line C," in which your General Counsel takes an active part, received in recent weeks, officials of the station and those of RFF, to discuss courses of improvement for users of the RER C line.

It emerged that two points can be made quickly:
- redesigning the station Bretigny (real bottleneck for the movement of trains)
- the establishment of a new system especially for increase the frequency of trains in the Paris area Intramurals, which bring relief to the suburbs.

These two investments, known services STIF (Syndicat des Transports d'Ile de France), are pushed for many years. It is unfortunate that the union prefers to invest in new tram lines that affect the Essonne bit, rather than trying to improve what already exists.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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Evening Colle San Magno

is at the invitation of Valentine, a Savinienne of Italian origin, your General Counsel participated in the evening the town of Colle San Magno.

Indeed, this county meet Every year in Italy or France, all the people who were born or who lived there before the period of Italian emigration in the last century.
This evening, attended by over 200 people including many Essonne, was held under the chairmanship of Mayor, Antonio DI NOTE.

Long life to this initiative.