Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Happy Holidays New Year

This year 2010 ends with the passage of a budget end reign. Indeed, Michel Berson, President of the Socialist General Council announced his departure after the elections in March 2011.
After a doubling of the debt in 6 years, this Budget announces a reduction in aid to transport (-8%) despite the great need of a simple Essonne and maintained in other policies.

This year 2010 also ends with hope. Indeed, the victory of the UMP list in Corbeil is a true sign for our department.

I wish you all a happy festive season.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

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The News: French School

- About the canyon (Category canyons and occupation)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

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Two cases were particularly attracted attention name :

- The BOD (budget orientation debate): the document must present the main lines of action for the coming year. Disappointing for a department that manages a budget of over 1 billion Euros, only 8 pages. The only good news: taxes will not increase in 2011. Normal is an election year.

- The debate on future transport networks in the Greater Paris Metro and Arc Express. This decision has several points made unanimously and in particular the fact that the proposed infrastructure must take into account the maintenance and development existing facilities (RER C, RER D, ...).

Sunday, November 21, 2010

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Visit the site of the French School of canyoning

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topo guide, access to the site, information about the race rules in force .......

Sunday, November 14, 2010

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Your General Counsel is concerned about the inaction of STIF

Association "the Chosen line C," in which your General Counsel takes an active part, received in recent weeks, officials of the station and those of RFF, to discuss courses of improvement for users of the RER C line.

It emerged that two points can be made quickly:
- redesigning the station Bretigny (real bottleneck for the movement of trains)
- the establishment of a new system especially for increase the frequency of trains in the Paris area Intramurals, which bring relief to the suburbs.

These two investments, known services STIF (Syndicat des Transports d'Ile de France), are pushed for many years. It is unfortunate that the union prefers to invest in new tram lines that affect the Essonne bit, rather than trying to improve what already exists.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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Evening Colle San Magno

is at the invitation of Valentine, a Savinienne of Italian origin, your General Counsel participated in the evening the town of Colle San Magno.

Indeed, this county meet Every year in Italy or France, all the people who were born or who lived there before the period of Italian emigration in the last century.
This evening, attended by over 200 people including many Essonne, was held under the chairmanship of Mayor, Antonio DI NOTE.

Long life to this initiative.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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Your General Counsel to meet the Ombudsman

is at the invitation of Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet (Secretary of State and Prospective Development of Digital Economy) and Guy MALHERBE (Deputy Mayor Epinay sur Orge) as your General Counsel participated in an evening with Jean Paul DELEVOYE.

The Ombudsman presented his report on the evolution of French society. Free and independent, he described some deviations, observed and recorded by all, for which they proposed some solutions.

MEHLHORN Eric had the opportunity to share with him a few words to compare their experiences.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

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In this session, the General Councilors were initially audited the Prefect of Essonne, Jacques Reil. This was an opportunity for the Prefect to mention the efforts by the government to help develop our department. He also recalled, in veiled terms, that the majority of the left, to go forward, should not its main actions of anti-government primary.

Moreover, on this day two issues in particular caught my attention:
- the departmental plan trips: I found a great pity, as a document of nearly 200 pages, only four lines were devoted to the RER C line. The difficulties encountered by users deserve more.
- La Chambre Régionale des Comptes a précisé que si le Conseil Général avait adhéré plus rapidement au principe du RSA (Revenu de Solidarité Active) une meilleure politique d’insertion serait en vigueur et plus de subventions auraient été obtenues.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

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Le 17 Septembre, votre Conseiller Général est allé se recueillir sur la tombe de Jean
MARSAUDON, aux cotés de sa compagne Geneviève et de l’association « Comité du Souvenir ».

Cette association a ensuite remis des prix à des jeunes méritants du département issus de la Faculté des Métiers. Le lendemain, he attended the laying of a wreath in the courtyard of City Hall.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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11 and September 12 have seen unfold party associations of our city.

Your General Counsel came to support the various associations that are the hallmark of the dynamism of our township.

This was the moment to wish them a great season,
but also remember that this period should be devoted to applications for grants and training to the General Council.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

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Picture of the association.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

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Back to school is usually the sign of the resumption of activities for everyone.

Young savinien have again taken the way of schools and colleges of our city and our townships. This recovery occurred without major difficulty.

The next weekend we have a rendezvous with the associations of our city to stage Jean Moulin.
I am present at this event and it is with pleasure that I'll meet you there.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

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Welcome back everyone Happy Holidays!

The General Council has now joined his summer after months of June and early July a fairly intensive. Indeed, the administrative account County was voted June 21 With some surprise it off a surplus of over 17 Million Euros. This could be considered a good thing if this sum does not match the increase in taxes imposed on the Essonne in 2009.
Early July saw a new round of grants for our city leaders such as sports clubs "trainers" or our library.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing you in September.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

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currently being distributed

The fourth newsletter is here.

Friday, May 14, 2010

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change our phone number.

Please note our new phone number
: 06 34 95 21 82

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Beginning English classes: September 16, 2010. Photos

Courses English resume September 16, 2010.
Joined: Tuesday, August 31 and Thursday, September 2, 2010 '.

By clicking on this link, you will find:
letter + card Registration and course dates + travel + regulation.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

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For over 4 years ago, you gave me the responsibility to represent you in the General Council of Essonne. It is clear that the years go by and look.

Indeed, April 12, we had proposed the vote of the budget.
He can be summarized into four main ideas:
- increased operating costs
- increased borrowing
- lower investment
- anti-government pamphlet

All this translates to the Essonne in a further increase taxes of 3.5%.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

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Works at the retirement home Charaintru


This project will provide new benefits, such as day care for 10 people, but also to meet any new standards.

Through the dedication of the management team of the retirement home Charaintru, supplementary grants were awarded by the RSO (Regional Health Agency, ex-DDAS)

But it is also supporting this project with strongest, I could get the General Council of the bond loan of € 4,700,000 voted Monday, March 29. All

the financial aspects of this operation are now in place. The work will begin.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

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General Assembly

On Thursday, February 18, at a restaurant in Savigny, held a general meeting of Savigny Our Townships.

This anniversary is the anniversary of the removal of the articles of association Prefecture.

After welcoming personalities and welcomed the friendly presence of Genevieve MARSAUDON, our President, Jean Claude CAILLEAU, gave moral and financial balance sheets that have been approved by the entire audience.
MEHLHORN Eric, our General Counsel, then intervened repeatedly in the evening to recall the role of the General Council in our lives every day to provide information on its actions and to remind the projects that take to heart. In a particularly cordial atmosphere, he then lent to the game of questions and answers.
We will not fail to renew this kind of evening.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

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Public Session February 15

Following the public meeting on Monday, February 15, a charge that was uncompromisingly against the government, Councillors General of the UMP group decided to file a complaint with the prosecutor to "use public funds to a campaign of national interest and not related to the life of the community."

I asked, via an oral question, the President of the General Council about this misinformation campaign (posters, media buying, petitions, letters, or editing of brochures, websites), financed from funds public concerning the proposed local government reform.
The President then said we left it had cost 200,000 euros.

Once money that could otherwise be used for much more useful for the Essonne.

Site elected UMP General Council

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

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Tribute to Dr. John Grant MORIGNY

My thoughts go out to family and friends of Dr. John MORIGNY whom I extend my sincere condolences.
This man has done a lot of heart for our city and the creations he has inspired the social level are a real step forward for our city: social grocery, home care ...
Moreover, since my youngest age, I mixed and Dr John MORIGNY I can testify that the title "doctor" had real meaning.
Whatever the time, he was always listening, ready to provide some comfort.
Hi Doctor.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

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General Council for Champagne district

Good start to the year 2010 when the Standing Committee of 18 January, thanks to my various interventions, a grant of € 750,000 was passed through the Champagne district planning.
This sum, which complement the regional contract will help the town of Savigny to build a new elementary school, renovation of the gymnasium expansion and development Park.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Best Wishes :-)

The year 2009 was full of events including the creation of Savigny Our Townships.
This new year, I am sure, will also be full of satisfactions and fighting.
I send you my best wishes for 2010. That this year will be fruitful for you and your family.

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agenda of public meetings of the first half of 2010:

The public meetings will be held on February 15, 29 & March 30 (Budget), May 17 and June 21