In the presence of Mr. Pickle and Axel Daché Preville, their adult counterparts, youth counselors shared and clearly enumerated all the projects they take to heart "to rejuvenate the city" Maxim announced.
The least we can say is they are not short of ideas!
After two hours of meetings and discussions, four new working committees have been established. Each committee comprising a list of Pre-projects, actions to consider, to work, but above all, defend ...
A commission Sports & Recreation
Organization of sports tournaments.
Organization of evenings for young people.
Organization of days playing video games.
Party organization in neighborhoods all Lovériens.
Publicize and make it more accessible riding.
Establishment of recreational outlets for all.
A Solidarity Committee
go to meet people with disabilities.
Reaching out to seniors.
Helping the poorest.
organize collections of donated food and clothing.
A Cultural Committee
Organize a film festival for teens.
Making it more accessible and organize the week of modern art.
Organizing concerts and singing competitions (such as open stage).
Making the most accessible film and theater to the entire population.
Establishment of panels in each graph area.
organize cultural trips in France and abroad accessible to all.
A commission thinking about urban planning
Establishment of bicycle lanes and device Vélib ™.
Construction of a cybercafe.
Construction of bus shelters at each college
Construction of public tennis courts.
Construction of a room and in concert.
Renovation skate park, pool and skating rink.
Construction de terrain de football, de city stade, de terrain de cross et d’un paintball.
Rénovation du city stade Jules Ferry.
Répartition des élus par commissions
Commission Sports et Loisirs
Sélim BAHRINI, Raphaël CROCFER, Maxime PRUNIER, Mohammed ZIANI, Jade FILLATRE, Sixtine ROSE, Jean Baptiste MILIN, Amandine BERRIAH, Lucie FLAHAUT, Verlaine RULLAUD, Andréa PEIXOTO, Elodie HUET, Paul VALIN et Scott LESUEUR.
Commission solidarité
Marie Océane FAYET, Julie OLLIVIER, Elodie HUET, Jean-Baptiste MILIN, Jade FILLATRE, Sixtine ROSE, Andrea PEIXOTO, Cynthia SOUCHAY, Amandine BEERIAH, Lucie FLAHAUT.
Commission Culturelle
Commission réflexion autour de l’aménagement urbain
VALIN Paul Scott Lesueur, ZIANI Mohammed Mehdi ZERROUKI, Bobo Makalou
Before coupling to the realization of all these major projects, an important step yet to come. They must now submit, defend and approved by unanimous vote of their project ideas at the first Plenary Assembly in the presence of the first elected Board, Mr. Mayor, Frank Martin, which will be held Wednesday, November 5, 2008 next.